Planning Commission
Chairman: Albert Ciccarone (term ends 2024)
Member: Kimberley Poley (term ends 2025)
Member: Karla Dexter (term ends 2027)
The Planning Commission consists of five residents who serve as volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors for staggered four-year terms.
The Planning Commission is an advisory board to the Board of Supervisors. Its function is to review subdivisions, land development plans, conditional use applications, and to make recommendations regarding these matters to the Board of Supervisors.
The Planning Commission meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Vice-Chairman: Elwood Harper (term ends 2025)
Member: Diana Howard (term ends 2026)
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Jennifer Van Dyke
200 Bethlehem Drive,
Suite 201Morgantown, Pa. 19543
Phone: 610-286-1622
Fax: 610-286-1679
Environmental Advisory Council
Chairman: Mary Rives Young (term ends 2025)
The Environmental Advisory Council meets every other month on the 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Term lengths are 3 years.
Secretary: Robert Bolen (term ends 2026)
Member: vacant (term ends 2026
Member: Larry Iampietro (term ends 2026)
Member: Bryon Young (term ends 2024)
Recreation Committee
Chairman: Liz Meier
Secretary: Dorothy Doyle
Member: Tom Ritter (started 2023)
The Recreation Committee's job is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and act on recommendations from them regarding maintenance and improvements to township parks. The committee consists of adult and teen resident volunteers. The Committee meets 8 months a year on the third Monday of those months at 7:00PM. Term Lengths are five years.
Member: vacant
Junior Member: Vacant
Vacancy Board
vacant (term ends 2018)
Joint Board of Appeals
Robert Bolen (term ends 2024)
Peter Glenn (term ends 2020)
Agricultural Security Area Committee
Term length is annual
Warner Tuttle (term ends 2023)
Keith Masemore (term ends 2024)
Glenn Hoffman (term ends 2024)
Karla Dexter (term ends 2023)
vacant (term ends 2024)