Office Staff
Hannah Edwards
Right-to-Know Officer
Board of Supervisors
Chairman: John G. Membrino (term ends 2025) Email:
Supervisor: Karla T. Dexter (term ends 2027) Email:
Technicon Enterprises, Inc. II
Jennifer McConnell
200 Bethlehem Drive, Suite 201
Morgantown, Pa. 19543
Phone: 610-286-1622
Fax: 610-286-1679 -
The Hereford Township Board of Supervisors meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. The Board is a three member governing body elected for staggered six-year terms.
The Board of Supervisors is charged with the general governance of the Township and the execution of legislative, executive, and administrative powers in order to ensure sound fiscal management and to secure the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Township.
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer:
Assistant Right-to-Know Officer:
Vice-Chairman: Keith J. Masemore (term ends 2029) Email:
Eugene Orlando,
Jr.Orlando Law Offices, P.C2901 St. Lawrence
Avenue, Suite 202
Reading, Pa 19606
Phone: 610-779-3830
Zoning Officer/Building Inspector/Sewage Enforcement Officer:
Technicon Enterprises Inc., II
I200 Bethlehem Drive,
Suite 201Morgantown, Pa. 19543
Phone: 610-286-1622
Fax: 610-286-1679
Planning Commission
Chairman: Albert Ciccarone (term ends 2024)
Member: Kimberley Poley (term ends 2025)
Member: Karla Dexter (term ends 2023)
The Planning Commission consists of five residents who serve as volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors for staggered four-year terms.
The Planning Commission is an advisory board to the Board of Supervisors. Its function is to review subdivisions, land development plans, conditional use applications, and to make recommendations regarding these matters to the Board of Supervisors.
The Planning Commission meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Vice-Chairman: Elwood Harper (term ends 2025)
Member: vacant
Technicon Enterprises, Inc. II
Jennifer Van Dyke
200 Bethlehem Drive,
Suite 201Morgantown, Pa. 19543
Phone: 610-286-1622
Fax: 610-286-1679
Zoning Hearing Board
Chairman: Timothy Haas (term ends 2026)
Sectrtary: Stephen Cunningham (term ends 2026)
Elizabeth A. Magovern
1100 Berkshire Boulevard, Suite 301
Reading, Pa 19610
Phone: 610-779-0772
Vice-Chairman: Renea Flexer(term ends 2024)
Alternate Member: William Dexter (term ends 2025)
The Zoning Hearing Board’s job is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals of the Zoning Officer’s decisions and granting relief from the literal enforcement of the Ordinance in certain hardship situations.
The board consists of three residents and one alternate resident appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Zoning Hearing Board will meet if an application or an appeal has been filed. When the Zoning Hearing Board does have a meeting it starts at 7:00 pm. Their term length is three years.
Hereford Township is a Second Class Township
2000 Population – 2,997
School District : Upper Perkiomen
Municipal Tax Millage for 2022 - 1.5 mills
County Tax Rate for 2016 - 7.372 mills
About us
Board of Auditors
Member: Harry Waterman
Member: Robert Morris
Tax Collector
Jackie Watkins (term ends 2025) Phone : 4849413743
District Justice Micheal G. Hartman
District Court 23-3-02
100 Schaeffer Street #2
Boyertown, Pa 19512